Pittsburgh Office: 412-323-1950

M&L Associates, Inc.

Mechanicsburg Office: 717-731-1161

M&L Associates, Inc.

Community Development

What We Do:


M&L provides direct technical assistance to HUD grantees receiving CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA or NSP funding.  Our provision of technical assistance to client communities ranges from newly designated HUD entitlements to long-time, experienced grantees.  Our talented and dedicated staff works in all aspects of these programs including project administration, design, management, implementation and on-going regulatory compliance.

M&L often assists clients with multiple HUD-required major programmatic documents for the CDBG and HOME programs, including:


Five-Year Consolidated Plan


Annual Plan


Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Review


Analysis of Impediments


Assessment of Fair Housing


Environmental Review Record


Technical Assistance, including Regional Assessments of Fair Housing (RAI), Fair Housing Action Plans, HOME Program Subsidy Layering Analysis, HOME Program Monitoring Plans, CHDO Evaluations and Certifications, CHDO Developer agreements, subrecipient agreements, Section 108 loan guarantees, and other related documents

Community Development

Community Revitalization

Affordable Housing Development & Finance

Housing Plans & Affordable Housing Solutions

HCV Administration

Economic Development Financing
